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29 - Educación y Divulgación en Microbiología
Farrando, Silvina - Bernardi, Marcela - Dediol, Cora - Sánchez, María Laura
Cátedra de Microbiología - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo - Chacras de Coria - Mendoza - Argentina.
Contacto: sfarrando@fca.uncu.edu.ar
The subject Food Microbiology is part of the third year of Licenciatura en Bromatología. Between its contents is the study of foodborne pathogens, which cause a great number of diseases with significant effects on human health and economy. The food industry and consumers need to make continuous efforts to prevent contamination of foods on the farm, in processing, in restaurants and homes. Therefore, one of the learning outcomes that stands out is “transmitting in an accurate and clear manner instructions, preventive measures, and work guidelines to food handlers, with the aim of obtaining safe food and numbers of cases of foodborne illnesses could be minimized. To achieve this, a pedagogical strategy involving an extension workshop was proposed. This activity consisted of a group task with the objective of creating a podcast based on a news article related to foodborne diseases. The guidelines to carry out the activity were to find a news article about foodborne diseases, whether regional, national, or international. They had to send the article to the supervising professor via email to check its relevance and to avoid duplication with articles selected by other groups. The students must have enriched the information in the article with scientific knowledge acquired during the course, both about the microorganism and the implicated food. They carried out a critical analysis of the provided information and, if it is incomplete or incorrect, improve it to deliver a clear, precise, well-founded message adapted for the consumer through a podcast. This podcast includes general and specific recommendations to prevent an outbreak caused by the responsible microorganism and/or implicated food. The activity was proposed at the beginning of the subject, with deadlines for each stage and the rubric for evaluation. The students recorded a podcast lasting between 5 to 8 minutes, that include all the information and suggestions from the supervising professor. They actively participated in the task asynchronously, which facilitated their development of individual learning actions and posed questions in class. They were creative in presenting the news from a microbiological perspective, using technical language and providing the precise and necessary information to raise conscience about the importance of food safety among food handlers. The group work, professor support, and presentation in front of peers and professors allowed for productive feedback and made easier the mutual learning. The students felt challenged in managing the information, conveying to the public, and using the necessary technological resources. In addition, they rated the activity very positively because they felt supported and guided. This podcast was shared on social media, as well as on the FCA and UNCuyo websites, fulfilling the role of university extension, where students, through the dissemination of their podcast, connect with society and contribute to the production of safe food.
Palabras clave: podcast - university teaching - microbiology - university extension
URL directa: http://www.quimicaviva.qb.fcen.uba.ar/v23n3/samige2024/ver_resumen.php?id_res=29